Postcards from Africa: Sierra Leone
Abdul was a traditional medicine man in his village in Sierra Leone, using herbs and leaves to offering healing to people. He was passing by and saw the crowds gathered watching the Jesus Film in his language—his mother tongue. The message was very clear and he was captivated by it and stood to listen and watch the entire film.
Abdul was deeply touched by how Jesus could perform miracles and healings as well as the compassion that Jesus had for everyone. Since he was a traditional healer, this aspect of Jesus’ ministry was powerful to him. Abdul thought he was powerful in his own strength and knowledge, and he did not treat people who came to see him with the kindness that Jesus did. He knew he was off track in terms of healing and relating to his clients. As he continued to watch, he also realised that, spiritually, he was lost and needed Jesus.
“In all my years of practicing traditional medicine, never have I felt so worried about my spiritual condition,” said Abdul. “At the end of the film, I stepped out and surrendered my life to Jesus. Please pray with me so I will continue to walk with Jesus. I trust that his grace will see me through my new journey.”