“I think this is how the disciples felt when Jesus said, ‘Go in my name,”

Pastor Eunice is the pastor of the Toekomsrus Church of the Nazarene in Toekomsrus, South Africa. This small but powerful church recently sent a team of 19 people 5 hours away to Cornerstone Nazarene Boarding School near Maseru, Lesotho. The team consisted of volunteers, young and old, who all paid their own way to go to the small village. One of the volunteers was a 70-year old man who is in a wheelchair with only one leg. Pastor Eunice writes, “Some of the families had three family members present in the team, this is more than 2 month’s worth of groceries for a typical Toekomsrus family.” Although they did not have much, this team sacrificed what they had to fulfill the great commission, to “go and make disciples.”

“Pray for us, our feet are itching and we just want to GO, GO, GO.”
While in Lesotho, the team installed and painted the ceiling and delivered goods to the boarding school. The school teachers and the students were greatly affected, some of the teachers receiving Christ for the first time. These were not the only lives that were changed, however. The team from Toekomsrus has a newfound passion for evangelism, and are willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to spread the Gospel message. Pastor Eunice asks the global church, “Pray for us, our feet are itching and we just want to GO, GO, GO.” Thank you to the Toekomsrus Church for setting an example for believers around the world!