ABBA: The launch of the Prayer book for Children

On 19 May 2022, the Africa Region enjoyed a special moment, the launch of ABBA, a prayer book for children written by Patrícia de Zúñiga, who was also the speaker for the evening.

The meeting took place via the Zoom, attended by Pastors, leaders from across the continent, our esteemed Regional Director, and the Nazarene Discipleship International (NDI) team – coordinated by Mrs. Celeste Chaguala.

Who is author Patrícia Zúñiga? She’s married to Mr. Juan Zúñiga, mother of three and grandmother of three grandchildren. She and her husband have dedicated their lives to planting churches in Europe since 2005. She is a child educator and founder of two Children’s Centers in Peru. Originally from Peru, she now lives in Spain with her family. Her passion and ministry focus on the evangelism and discipleship of children, in which she has significant experience and knowledge. Her book addresses the need for intentional actions from the Church to lead our little ones to develop a joyful and dynamic relationship with the Lord through the cultivation of a life of prayer.

She challenges us as local leaders to respond affirmatively to the Lord’s call to reach out to the little ones by being co-participants in forming healthy, biblical identities, presenting the gospel that transcends religion. In addition, she speaks to parents about their responsibility to transmit the Christian faith to their children through adequate bonding and setting an example.

Her book is available for download at and is suitable for use in small groups, Sunday school lessons, and other children’s discipleship groups. It can also be used as a guide for family services. In addition, you can watch the recording of the release of this material containing the interview with the author by accessing the link here.

We praise God for another resource that the Church of the Nazarene, through the NDI Africa, places at the disposal of our local leaders. Our intention and prayer are that this resource is used as a powerful tool to form an army of children genuinely committed to Christ and His Kingdom. And that we may, by the power of the Holy Spirit, teach every African child under our leadership “the way he must walk” because we believe that “though he be old, yet shall he not depart from him” (Proverbs 22:6).