Tap Buckets Tap Into Sense of Community Well-being
By Monica Carr and Vidal Cole
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries in West Africa has partnered with local leaders to provide valuable tap buckets to many churches in Sierra Leone. Five areas: Lumley, Central City, Kissy, Waterloo and Segbwema received a total of 60 tap buckets.
At each location, the pastor/leader gathered with the people in the community, including church and local leaders, to discuss Ebola prevention strategies. At the end of the health training session, the Church of the Nazarene gifted the tap buckets to the entire community so that everyone could use them to wash their hands. Additionally, a church member was assigned to care for the bucket and keep it ready for daily use.
The gift of tap buckets has been a great blessing. Country coordinator Rev. Vidal Cole has received various testimonies. One pastor shared, “We now have extra confidence to minister among the people and they really know we care about them.” A pastor from Kissy describes the sense of community and well being the tap bucket provides.
Every morning when the church fills its bucket with chlorinated water . . .everyone in the community is welcomed and encouraged to wash their hands as they pass by. This has brought much joy to the people in the community; it is a way of ministering to them and letting them know that the church cares not only for their spiritual life but for their health also . . . the church has made it’s presence felt and the people are very much encouraged. |