Taking the gospel to the cities

Training is an intentional act of service. This service can be through observation, writing what you observe and reporting on your experience. The Urban Ministry Team organized a four-day training with different learning, exploring, and team building activities this year.

The training took place from 19- 22 February 2022. The purpose of the meeting was to understand the Urban Ministry Framework, build

cohesion among members and develop an action plan hence assigning responsibilities among members.

They had an outdoor experience around Nairobi City on the first day. The aim was to understand the socio-economic dynamics of the city and use the background for the training on how to exegete the city.

Day two involved the training of the Urban Ministry Framework using the praxis method of reflection and action. This would help develop ministries in urban areas and understand how the mission/vision fits in the overall vision of the Africa Region. The Participatory Learning

Activities (PLA) was used to engage the participants through the different stages of the cycle training.

Day three was discussions on the year’s action plan and objectives, which were agreed upon; discussions on the strategic cities in terms of socio-economic growth and the direction of the Church. The cities identified are Nairobi, Dar-e-salaam, Kinshasa, Abidjan and Lagos. These

cities are to be visited, begin talks with the Field Strategy Coordinators (FSC) and District Superintendent, and research and theological reflections to be carried out.

On day four, Urban Ministry members visited the field office and ANU. At ANU, they were hosted by different people. A meeting with Dr Cindy North was held to begin the planning phase of the mission immersion experience. Another meeting with the FSC, Dr Kunene,

was held, and the purpose was to understand the FSC’s vision regarding Urban Ministry and discuss the two cities in East Field for concerted efforts. Persons to visit the identified strategic cities were listed.