Jesus Film in the Congo

“I was demon-possessed. At night I would dream about murdering people and doingunspeakable things to their flesh. A friend gave me a tattoo (a common practice to ward off evil or sickness/bring luck) and told me it would make me powerful and rich, but it did not. It tormented me.”

“I came with all my relatives to watch the Jesus Film, and I was in awe of what was said. When we were asked if anyone would like to pray and receive Christ, I felt like they were speaking directly to me and no one else.”

“After the prayer, I stayed with the team and shared my story. The team gathered around me laying hands on me and while they were praying, I felt something leaving me and the joy filled my heart. I knew I was set free.”

“Pray for me that I may embrace a new journey with Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Pray also that I can share my testimony with others so they do not make the same mistakes that I did.”

By Demama Priscilla, the Congo