Ethiopia Ordains 54 Individuals

On March 9, 2024, several districts in Ethiopia came together to commemorate the ordination of 54 individuals at the Addis Ababa Central Local Church of the Nazarene. This ordination marked the first in Ethiopia in 14 years, making it a momentous occasion. The event was attended by the ordinands, their families and friends, as well as distinguished guests including Dr. Filimāo Chambo, the General Superintendent in Jurisdiction, Dr. Daniel Gomis, the Africa Regional Director, and field and district leaders.

After undergoing a thorough approval process involving district credential committees and the office of the Field Strategy Coordinator, these 54 ordinands were prayed for and officially ordained as elders in the Church of the Nazarene by Dr. Chambo.

Following the ordination ceremony, the local churches held a town-wide conference the next day to inspire ministers and laypeople to actively participate in their churches and districts. The conference included discussions, testimonies from already ordained individuals, and a prayer session for the church’s growth in Ethiopia.

We are grateful for the commitment of these 54 ordinands and their families as they pursued ordination, showing resilience despite the long wait for many of them.