Through October and November, 2021 ordination services took place across the Region under the presiding General Superintendent Dr Eugénio Duarte and Africa Regional Director Dr Daniel A.K.L Gomis.

On Saturday, October 9, 2021, the Church of the Nazarene of Youpougon Andokoua in Abidjan, Cöte d’Ivoire, held their 30th District Assembly. The Ordination service took place before the District Assembly, where eight people were ordained from the following countries, Benin, Ghana, Kenya and Cöte d’Ivoire.

The Africa South Field had their ordination service at Agapè Church of the Nazarene in South Africa on October 23, 2021. Ordinands from fourteen districts across three countries, namely South Africa, Botswana, and Lesotho, 55 people were ordained – 46 elders and nine deacons.

Africa Lusophone field had its ordination service the following day, October 24, 2021, with 19 ordinands, 18 elders and one deacon from 14 districts in Mozambique. The service took place in Laulane bible college in Mozambique.

Then on October 31, 2021, an ordination service took place in Angola after ten years since the last ordination with 48 ordinands, 5 of which were women; this was the largest group ever ordained in the country. It was a precious time of celebration.

The final ordination service took place in Cabo Verde on November 14, 2021, where six people were ordained.

A total of 136 people were ordained. We thank God for their dedication to the call of God and the building of His Kingdom. May we continue praying for each one of them that the power of the Holy Spirit may keep them and enable them to fulfil the Great Commission of making Christlike disciples in Africa and beyond!