Africa Nazarene University’s Environmental Club Making a difference in Kenya

Africa Nazarene University in Nairobi Kenya has a mantra that says, “what starts here changes the world.” The activities that the university’s Environmental Club has been engaged in are consistent with that statement.

On the 22nd of February 2023, the Environmental Club was present when President William Ruto inaugurated the Nairobi Rivers Commission (NRC), which involves the implementation of the Nairobi Basin Plan. This plan is aimed at implementing action plans for the regeneration, protection and beautification of the Nairobi Rivers and all bodies of water within the boundaries of the Nairobi city county.

On the 24th of February 2023, the club also visited the Giraffe Park with Mr. and Miss ANU Environment to showcase the beauty of Kenya and the need to protect animal life.

The club’s purpose is to bring consciousness to every student at the university of their role in the preservation of the environment in the communities that they come from. Several of their activities involves the creation care of flora and fauna. The students at ANU will continue to be encouraged to be good stewards of the wonderful creation that God has blessed the continent of Africa with.