by Vidal Cole/

This afternoon, I was in class at Waterloo during lunchtime when I received a paragraph from Larry Myer, the Africa West Field Jesus Film coordinator:

I would be remiss to not share about our Jesus Film Leaders in Sierra Leone that, despite the literal barrel of Ebola pointed at them, they gathered, showed and led MANY to the Lord in the midst of this terrible outbreak, seizing the opportunity to offer Hope in what some call a hopeless situation.  I am moved to tears at their steadfastness in sharing the Gospel Message where illness and even death could strike!  Their dedication is an example for us all and a fulfillment of what we are called to do, to lay down our lives for our brothers for the cause of Christ!  Well done good and faithful servants, may the Lord keep you in His embrace!

When we returned after lunch, I read it to the class and everyone was deeply touched. After I finished reading it, I invited the class to pray just like we normally do every day after lunch and suddenly Pastor Steven’s phone rang. The next thing we heard was his voice screaming. “What!?”

He then told us that he had just been informed that his closest neighbors, one on either side of his house, had just died from Ebola. They had been sick and they were taken to the hospital over the weekend. We considered the way Larry had described our situation and we all broke down; the entire class burst into tears. After a while, we pulled ourselves together and we prayed with Pastor Steven before he left to be with his family.

Upon arriving home, he called to tell us that he found every member of his family okay though worried and fearful. We praised God with him in spite of it all. It had suddenly dawned on him that the virus had been in their home area. It had hit the house in front of him, jumped over his house and landed in the next house after theirs. We consider this a miracle and we started singing the song “When I See the Blood, I Will Pass Over You”.

As we continue to minister in the jungle, in the valley of the shadow of death, we refuse to fear any evil. We are assured that The Lord is with us and His rod and staff will comfort us.

I called Pastor Steven this evening and he told me that the disinfectant team sprayed and disinfected the entire neighborhood. We are trusting that his family continues to be okay.

Please continue to pray for us, your prayers have kept us going. Honestly, sometimes, I really wonder where we get the grace and strength to move on in the midst of this crisis, however, I have no doubt — it is The Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our sight.