Toekomsrus Church of the Nazarene Celebrates 50 Years!
The Toekomsrus Church of the Nazarene in the western suburbs of Johannesburg, South Africa, celebrated its 50th anniversary on 10 November 2024 with more than 250 people in attendance to commemorate this special day. The day was filled with singing, dancing, fellowship and praising God for what he has done in the community and through the Church of the Nazarene.
Toekomsrus is well-known in the community as a beacon of hope and a place of belonging for those who have been set to the side by society. The church began in a high school classroom, then met in a car garage for 35 years until it was able to purchase their current structure 5 years ago with the help of Alabaster funds and diligent fundraising by the members of the church.
The church has offered the love of God generously to their community through the years by hosting VBS’s, food banks, counselling, food for the elderly, Bible quizzing for Children as well as a vibrant Sunday School and wayside Sunday School for children of all ages.
Over the years, Toekomsrus has had several pastors: the late Rev Edwin Vanzeeberg, Rev George Adams, Rev Cyril Phillips, Rev Saul Sedith, Rev Peter Wagner, Rev Morgan and Rev Eunice Sedith, each of whom has helped make Toekomsrus a shining light of God’s love in the community of Toekomsrus. All of the adult children of former pastors were present, and they were presented with a gift in honour of their parents who served sacrificially.
The Toekomsrus congregation especially pays tribute to the late Rev Edwin Vanzeeberg who knocked on the first door in Toekomsrus, Ouma Willemse. The next two doors that were knocked on, Florie Adams and Moeder Smith, are still active members of the church to this day. We thank God for a strong legacy of evangelism in the community.
The congregation would further like to recognise the pivotal role that missionaries, the late Rev Norman Zurcher and his wife Carol, played in the early years of the congregation. Their support, guidance and teaching helped the church to have a strong foundation upon which they could build. Mrs Carol Zurcher continues to be an ardent supporter of the church’s work.
Congratulations to the congregation of the Toekomsrus Church of the Nazarene on 50 years of showing God’s love and grace to their community.