Theological Training in Guinea Bissau

Missionaries Ezequiel and Susy Ramírez were asked to go to Guinea Bissau, a Portuguese-speaking West African country with an Islamic majority, to expand the work of the Church of the Nazarene through theological education with the vision of opening a seminary. In April 2022, the Ramírez began classes and since then they have had an average of 35 students throughout the country.

While only about 10 students have completed each course of study, offered through the Nazarene Theological Institute, there are many more who have completed some of the required classes. Classes have also been offered in the city of Bissorã in the interior of the country, where the Church of the Nazarene has two schools and two churches.

The Church of the Nazarene already owns land in the capital city to build a multipurpose District Centre that will house classrooms for the seminary, among other things.

For the first time in history, there is a class of 19 believers on the island of Canhabaque, which is located in the Atlantic Ocean about 70 km from the capital of Bissau, who have begun their theological training to become Nazarene pastors. We thank God for this expansion and for the brothers who are responding to God’s call on their lives.

In 2025, the first class of ITN graduates will be celebrated and commemorated in Guinea Bissau. What an important celebration this will be!

Please pray for the Ramírez family as they continue to work to spread the Gospel through theological training and many other programmes and projects throughout Guinea Bissau.