Dear fellow leaders,
Greetings in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The situation in the world with regard to CORV19 poses a great health risk to international travelers and their communities when they return. After consultation with field, regional, and global leadership of the Church of the Nazarene, a decision has been made to officially and indefinitely postpone two major events that were to take place in March 2020.
- The Africa South Field PALCON in Botswana
- The Africa West Field Leadership Conference in Côte d’Ivoire
The decision for postponement was made after much research and prayer for discernment. The basis for this action remains care for our community members. and communities and nations each person represents. Following the recommendations of different health agencies and the Biblical mandate to love our neighbors, we will seek to protect those with vulnerable health in our communities.
This decision might bear with it a financial cost to individuals and to the organization. These costs are not taken lightly and the decision to postpone was delayed for as long as possible to try to find a way forward.
While we are saddened that we are not able to gather in person at this time, the Word reminds us, the Body acts and feels pain together. As we go through this time, let us remember, we are together, in community, in mission, and in Christ.
- New dates for the events will be announced once the uncertainty surrounding CORV19 subsides.
- Information regarding rescheduling ordination dates will be distributed through the field and district offices.
- Information on refunds is not available at this time.
- For an official letter of cancelation, please contact us using the information below.

Whatsapp: +267 77 510 231
Let us all remain in prayer during this time!