Mobile Clinic in Guinea Bissau
In Guinea Bissau, a country in West Africa, the medical situation is very precarious. The capital city, named Bissau, with a population of nearly 500,000 people, has only one national hospital. This is very inadequate in many ways.
In 2023, Ezequiel and Susy Ramirez, Nazarene missionaries to Guinea Bissau, decided to invest the time and energy to revive a mobile clinic ministry that had been in existence. After a God-ordained meeting of Korean doctors and missionaries, Jonathan and Cecelia, the Ramirez family asked them to help with the Church of the Nazarene’s mobile clinic.
Along with the help of local doctors, each weekend free medical services are given in the Antula neighbourhood of the city. While individuals are receiving free medical attention, they are also hearing the Gospel message, and many people choose to stay to attend church services. Most weekends the clinic will see as many as 50 people in a single day!
Pray with our missionaries in Guinea Bissau as they work to meet the physical and spiritual needs of their neighbours.