21 October 2020
Dear friends,
I greet you in the blessed name of our Lord and Savior Jesus-Christ.
The Board of General Superintendents approved the restructuring of the Africa West Field to become two fields;
The Africa West Francophone Field (AWFF), with Rev. Moise Toumoudagou as Field Strategy Coordinator and the Africa West Anglophone Field (AWAF).
It is my pleasure to announce the appointment of Rev. Vidal Cole as the Field Strategy Coordinator of the AWAF.
Rev. Cole is an ordained elder in the church of the Nazarene and he is married to Marie Cole. For several years, Rev. Cole served as District Superintendent of the Sierra Leone District while Marie served as the NMI president. He is passionate about church planting, preaching and teaching the glad message of holiness. He strongly believes in the next generation of leaders and invests time working with young people and pastors through mentoring and leadership development. Together, he and Marie have pastored one of the Nazarene churches in the city centre of Freetown. Marie is passionate about working with women and children.
Rev. Vidal and Marie Cole complement each other and together are a strong team. They believe that God continues to call His people to participate in His mission around the world and feel privileged to respond to His call to serve.
As you’re able, join me in welcoming and congratulating Rev. Vidal Cole to the Africa Regional Ministry Leadership Team.
Thank you all for your prayers and support throughout this process.
Yours in Him,
Dr. Daniel. A.K.L. Gomis
Regional Director (Africa)