Africa South Field Youth Camp

From 13-16 December 2024, the youth from across the Africa South Field (ASF) gathered at the Good News Conference Centre just outside Johannesburg, South Africa, for a time of fellowship, praise and worship and to hear what God was saying to each of them. The theme for the weekend was United, meaning that the young people are united in Christ, united in mission, united in purpose and united in diversity. Using 1 Corinthians 12:12 as their springboard, the they explored what it means to be a part of the Body of Christ and that body having many parts.

The Field Youth Coordinator (FYC), Nkululeko Mabizela, and the district leaders saw that there was a need for the young people to get together for a time of fellowship and a youth camp. The District NYI Presidents across the ASF began to plan, including the venue, speakers and what the programme should entail. The event was a success as the young people came and enjoyed themselves in the presence of the Lord, had a great time of fellowship, met new friends and collaborated with one another. Above all, the Word of God impacted the lives of young people and that was the ultimate success of the camp.