Postcard from Kenya: Free from Demons
In Msambweni, a small fishing town in the Kenya Coastal District of the Africa East Field of the Church of the Nazarene, a young woman named Amina Omar had been struggling for a long time with demon possession. People in her community weren’t sure what to do with her because of the strange things she did. Twice, she tried to get married, but both times, her new husbands couldn’t handle what was happening with her and brought her back to her home to give her back.
One day, she was in the area where the Jesus Film was being shown. She followed the film closely. When she saw Jesus healing people in the film, she became excited. She shouted, “I want to be healed! I want to be healed! Jesus! Jesus, heal me now!”
The film showing was paused and the leaders attended to her. They prayed for and with her, leading her through the prayer of confession. She confessed her sins, repented and asked God for forgiveness. She accepted Christ in her heart.
On that following Sunday, Amina joined the service as a new Christian and testified that she was free from the demons and evil spirits. She said she will forever follow Christ. Thank God for her healing and for those who accepted Christ in their hearts that day!
Please pray for Amina, that she will stay strong in her newfound faith in Jesus and pray the same for all the other new followers who have found faith in Christ through the ministry of the Jesus Film.