Teamwork Plants a New Church in Liberia

Sparked by listening to the Gospel broadcast by the Good Shephard Radio Station and with the help of the local Jesus Film team, on 13 April 2024, a new church was planted in the Zain community of Karnplay City, Liberia. Positioned on a bustling street in that area, the church marked a significant presence in a community previously devoid of one. The inaugural service drew 200 attendees, including the chief, elders and the newly appointed pastor, Nelson Barleah.

The initiative stemmed from a community member contacting Good Shepherd Radio, which broadcasts across Liberia and western Côte d’Ivoire, expressing interest in establishing a church in the Zain community. Initially, the Jesus Film Team screened their film beneath a mango tree in the area. Subsequently, a Bible study group commenced under the same tree. The nearby Karnplay Church of the Nazarene actively supported the church planting effort, contributing to a total of five new churches established in the vicinity in recent months.

The collaboration between World Mission Broadcast, the Jesus Film and the
dedicated efforts of the local church resulted in the successful establishment of a new Nazarene church in Liberia.